preschool, pre-kindergarten & kindergarten
Open minds are global minds
Esprit ouvert, esprit global
Preschool through Kindergarten curriculum adapts the French Ministry of Education’s official program to the bicultural and bilingual context. The overall goal is to allow children to grow in a happy environment where they will acquire a healthy desire for knowledge. The principal anchors of our program are:
Developing communication skills through language (speech and comprehension) and through behavior in a social context
Developing body and mind through physical education and artistic activities (dancing, singing, drawing, etc.)
Enhancing interest and natural curiosity through field trips, hands-on projects, and group work
Please note that all incoming students must be potty-trained before starting school.
The French early learning system uses a three center approach for learning:

Direct Instruction
The teacher demonstrates how to complete an activity or task to a small group of students and instructs them on the steps as they attempt to replicate the task.

Guided Instruction
The students work on an activity or task and receive assistance from the teacher's aid when needed.

Autonomous Learning
The students work on an activity or task autonomously demonstrating their mastery of the skills

Language: oral and written
During the early years, building a strong oral understanding and expression in both languages is the main goal. At the end of Kindergarten, students should be able to know each letter (read, sound and write) in French, and acquire basic reading skills in English. Students learn how to build sentences and are able to write a few words in cursive.

Students are immersed in a print rich environment. Children are encouraged to develop an appreciation for reading as they choose books by topic and genre at their campus’ library. Students study multiple works on a specific theme every unit.

Students learn to count, manipulate early mathematical concepts, understand and name shapes, and problem solve.

Exploring the World
Students discover science through the exploration of plants, animals, and the human body.
Students learn spatial awareness and concepts of time.

Physical Education
Students learn how to cooperate through team games. They fine tune their gross motor skills through running, obstacle courses, dance, and movement.

Music and Visual Arts
Students sing, learn the basics of rhythm and instruments. They also sharpen their listening skill through music appreciation.
Students practice their fine motor skills by using varied media such as painting, collage, drawing, fiber, sculpting, etc. Students also develop an early appreciation for art by studying artists and their various stylistic expressions, and participating in field trips to local art museums (e.g. LACMA, Norton Simon Museum, etc.)
Bilingual Focus
The “bilingual hour”: French and English teachers teach the same lesson together.
Writing to share: a publication written by students in French and English