Parent Testimonials

"...Here, we have a rigorous international curriculum, French immersion, as well as English programs, Spanish classes, formidable PE program, internationally accredited faculty with advanced degrees, professional office staff and management that truly cares about the well-being and rounded quality education of the child. Parents from all backgrounds come together and strive to build lasting relationships amongst each other..."

"I have two children that have attended this school for the past 6 years. The teaching staff are passionate about what they do and the caliber of their teaching is outstanding. A number of teachers have won teaching awards over the past few years. The curriculum is outstanding; a great mix of the American and French curriculum. My children are happy at LILA and seeing their growth over the years makes me feel like I am providing them with the best possible start in life.

"I look at the young woman my daughter has become: fluent in multiple languages, stunning ballerina, intelligent student, a dedicated daughter, and I can’t help but remember the little mouse she was in her preschool class. You have helped transform her into this bright student on the precipice of amazing opportunities"

"The International School of Orange County provides our children with an intellectually stimulating bilingual education within a compassionate environment, supported by the teachers, staff and Director Reynaud, as well as fellow parents and children. My husband and I do not speak French, but we want our children to be bilingual and hopefully multilingual (...). My husband and I truly love the school! We are thankful our kids are part of a village that is diverse, nurturing, committed to academic excellence, that seeks to equip all students with skills to ensure their future global success..."