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A Multicultural Winterfest

After weeks of rehearsal and preparation by our teachers and students, our much-anticipated 2019 Winterfest, themed “Culture Fusion,” did not disappoint! Our students, from preschool through 8th grade, took a captivated audience of parents and family members on a delightful trip through various continents and cultures.

Our Kindergarten students opened the show with yoga-inspired choreography set to the French hit “Makeba” and surprised everyone with a beautiful sign language rendition of a Johnny Cash classic. Our youngest performers from preschool offered the most adorable act of the night, singing “It’s A Small World” while wearing colorful costumes symbolizing different countries. Our pre-Kindergarten students delighted the audience with the sweetest dancing and singing act. Loyal to the theme of the night, our elementary students presented a medley of songs and dances inspired by French, American, African, and Latin music.

To conclude the show, our middle school students presented a beautiful piece of choreography to a pop hit and an emotional version of the 1970s hit “Lean on Me.”

Coming together to celebrate our core values of cultural diversity and open-mindedness made this year’s Winterfest a very special night that is sure to be remembered by our entire community.

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